Péter Nyirády M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., FEBU. He has been chairing as a full professor the department of Urology and Centre for Urooncology Semmelwis University since 2012. He was born in Kecskemét and graduated in the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University in Szeged. He started his carrier in the Department of Paediatric Urology in the Heim Pál Childrens Hospital. In 2000 he spent 1 year as a research fellow in the Institute of Child Health and Institute of Urology and Nephrology in the University College London and since 2001 he has been working in the Department of Urology at Semmelweis University. He defended his Ph.D. in 2003 and D.Sc. theses in 2011. He is the president of the Board of Urology and member of the Association of Academic European Urologists (AAEU) as well as board member of numerous Hungarian and international Urological Associations. He published over 100 manuscripts and wrote 25 book chapters.
Péter Nyirády