Ferenc Túry, György Purebl, István Bitter, Zsolt UnokaOldalszám: 300
Kiadás éve: 2018
ISBN: 9789633314500
Méret: A/4
Kötés: Puhatáblás, fényes fólia
Nyelvek: magyar
Kiadó: Semmelweis Kiadó és Multimédia Stúdió

Our textbook is an introduction to the core concepts and skills of psychotherapy. In the first part we discuss general
principles of psychotherapy: case conceptualization, stages of psychotherapeutic process, mechanism of changes. In
the second part, we introduce the most influential schools of psychotherapy and different methods of delivering
psychotherapy (individual, family, group). The third part discusses importance of psychotherapy in mental disorders and
medical problems. Finally, we present specific topics like e-health and psychotherapy, prevention and treatment of burnout,
ethical and legal issues and the role of psychotherapy in evidence-based medicine.
Our targeted audience is clinicians at all levels of experience, from medical students looking for a quick review to
experienced clinicians interested in some specifics of psychotherapy. We hope that the structure and format of our
textbook is conducive to meeting a variety of needs. We also hope that health care providers frequently encountering
mental health problems will also find much useful information here.