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Értő olvasathoz értő olvasó kell!
Értékelés: Ezt a terméket még senki sem értékelte
Értékeld Te is!
1 2 3 4 5
András Sajó, József Mandl
Oldalszám: 80
ISBN: 9789633315484
Nyelvek: magyar
Fileméret (pdf): 1 MB
Kiadó: Semmelweis Kiadó

Science is a world of associations. An important source of new insights is the communication among scientists, during which new aspects can emerge.
It can be especially interesting when people from completely different fields get into a professional dialogue with each other as they did during the conversations about this essay.
The authors of the essay – a lawyer and a medical doctor – have known each other for a long time. They supposed that the different fields of legal science and molecular medicine were not close to each other. While they talked about a lot of things, the word turned to professional questions and they found more and more common ground needed to be explained.
Models of functioning human society at different ages have been sought and believed to be found by people with different mindsets in a variety of ways – from anthill to networks using a variety of analogies. The authors of this essay are not looking for a society model or philosophical trends. They merely seek to describe the similarities and identities between the molecular regulation of cell, which is the smallest viable unit of the human organism, and the voluntary, arbitrary regulation of human society. Both regulatory systems are the result of long developments, which, however, the authors do not wish to address in this work. And they did not conclude that the world and relationships of cells would model human society.
Sharing their thoughts with Sine ira et studio, they got to the point where they felt their contemplations would be presented. They do this in the hope that they will make others think further in other distant areas of science.

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